Anatrans SARL

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“We expect that the exported kernel, accompanied by the ACA Seal sticker, will reinforce confidence in us as a processor, and more generally in African processed kernels. We hope that the clients will appreciate the seal in the sense that we will get more demand and better prices” - Boudo Auguste, Managing Director of Anatrans SARL

Seal Approved: May 2013

Anatrans and Jungle Nuts join the ACA Seal Family
On May 17, 2013, Anatrans became the third company to be officially certified under the ACA Quality and Sustainability Seal.  Anatrans, a medium-capacity factory located in Bobo, Burkina Faso, was assessed by ACA Seal Coordinator Peter Nyarko and Food Safety Expert Jim Giles.  Nyarko and Giles completed audits in the two critical disciplines: Food Safety and Social Compliance. Anatrans passed both audits with strong results, and is now the first African processor to achieve Seal status in 2013.