The Recipe Room: Cashew & Veggie Pie


•                4 tomatoes

•                2 carrots( about 2 medium carrots)

•                3 small onions

•                1 red bell pepper

•                2 garlic cloves

•                3 eggs

•                1/4 cup rice flakes

•                3 tablespoon olive oil

•                2 tablespoon puréd cashew

•                1 teaspoon rice (or barley) miso

•                1 teaspoon sugar cane

•                2 teaspoons mild paprika

•                2 tablespoons fresh oregano

•                1 tablespoon fresh parsley leaves



1. Preheat oven to 350° (175°C).

2. Deseed tomatoes and dice. Set aside.

3. Peel carrots and dice. Set aside.

4. Dice pepper and set aside.

5. Thinly slice onions, mince garlic and sauté in a deep saucepan on low heat for 10 minutes with 3 tablespoon olive oil and a pinch of salt.

6. Add tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes on medium heat while stirring.

7.  Finally, add carrots, pepper, sugar and pinch of salt and cook on medium heat uncovered for about 20 minutes.

8.  Remove from stove and add rice flakes, paprika, chopped herbs and pepper. Mix well and leave to stand covered for 10 minutes.

9.  Add cashew puree and miso to vegetable mixture and mix well.

10. Add whipped eggs, mix again and pour in a pie pan (26cm). Sprinkle the pie with sesame seed and bake for 45 minutes.

11. Serve warm or cold.