ACA 7th Annual Conference: The Future is Now

 O registo para este evento está fechado
ACA’s annual conference has become the biggest annual cashew event on the planet with more than 350 cashew stakeholders from 35 countries attending in 2011. In 2012, cashew farmers, processors, traders, exporters, services providers, retailers, equipment manufacturers, bankers, and governments will undoubtedly all gather again under the aegis of the ACA in Cotonou, Benin from 17-20 September 2012.
Setembro 17th, 2012 8:00 AM   até   Setembro 20th, 2012 6:00 PM
Palais des Congrès

Visualizar mapa grande
Phone: +233 302 774 162
ACA Stakeholder Members
Conference fees per Delegate (regular rate)/ Droit d'inscription par participant (tarif normal) $450.00
Governement Representative per delegate (regular rate)-Représentant gouvernement par participant (tarif normal) $150.00
Non ACA Member per delegate/Non Adhérent par participant $800.00
Field Trips -
Field Trip to Cashew Farm / Visite de vergers d'anacardes $150.00
Leisure trip to Ouidah : Pithon temple, Vodoo place, sacred forest $150.00
Booth 9x9 m (regular rate) $5,000.00
Partenaire Officiel $50,000.00
Platinum Sponsor $25,000.00
Gold Sponsor $15,000.00
Silver Sponsor $7,500.00
Bronze Sponsor $4,000.00

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